Author: Amna . “This is just basic 101 project management. You start with the ground—what’s underneath the ground,” says Steve Piper is a early child care centre owner, educator and fighter for Thorndon Quay construction disruption., a frustrated business owner in Thorndon. Steve, along with many other local business owners, is grappling with the fallout from recent construction work that has wreaked havoc on the town’s infrastructure.Thorndon, once a bustling community with thriving businesses, now finds itself at the center of controversy. The construction project, intended to create new cycling paths at the expense of existing car lanes, has unintentionally exposed and…

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In a significant step towards sustainable energy, a new wave energy conversion system is being implemented at the Port of Los Angeles. This innovative technology, developed by Eco Wave Power, harnesses the constant power of ocean waves to generate electricity. The system’s potential for application in regions like Petone and Wellington in New Zealand is worth exploring.How It WorksThe system employs a series of floaters that move up and down with the waves. This movement drives hydraulic pistons, which compress and decompress biodegradable hydraulic fluid. The fluid is transmitted to accumulators on land, where the built-up pressure rotates a hydraulic…

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86% of Wellingtonians don’t want the airport sold.Councillors that stood up and publically promised not to sell the Airport shared in April, that have gone back on their word and have lied to the Wellington public are:Geordie Rogers – GreenSara Free – Green / RedLaurie Foon – GreenTory Whanau – GreenTeri Oneil –  RedIbrahim Omer – RedBen McNumpty – RedRebecca Matthews – RedTim Brown – IndependentNicola Young – Independent as being for sellingAgainst sellingDiane Calvert – IndependentRay Chung – Independent

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Daniel Talbot, 45 who runs the Wellington Extreme Weather Channel, had a dream several years ago of creating a weather station. It turned out to be a very expensive challenge and in the words of Sir Edmond Hillary, Talbot has knocked the bugger off!Interrupted by COVID-19 and after years of hard toil, networking, and fundraising the project to install a fully functioning, high-tech weather station to help inspire kids is ready.This $150,000 weather station was crowdfunded and installed in schools for the educational benefits of children and the benefits of them learning about weather events and weather as a career. Daniel…

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90% of Wellingtonians now get their content on mobiles, they demand it fast, snacky, in VIDEO and better local, relevant, entertaining and up-to-date. HOTLINE started last week’s endeavours to do all that and invites you to take part as an audience each Friday from 1 to 2 pm, or by sending in questions for the people being interviewed.HOTLINE is Produced by One Network, each Friday, and is hosted by Barrister and ex-city councillor Sean Rush & content guru and dancer, Sara Jane Seddon.  HOTLINE is Wellington’s new place to keep UP TO DATE and hear from leaders, the odd politicians “if…

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As Tauranga gears up to select a new Mayor and Council following a period of governance by government-appointed Commissioners, the argument for replacing the Wellington City Council with Commissioners gains momentum.The Wellington City Council has faced dysfunction for years, predating the current Mayor’s tenure. However, the situation has deteriorated during her leadership to the point where it’s nearly impossible to envision the current group of Councillors resolving the significant issues facing the capital city.The concerning state of Wellington’s water supply, with approximately 40% of water lost due to leaking pipes, has generated critical headlines. Recent water conservation measures, enforced during…

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