Author: Spiral Compute

In a bold move, Suburban Tauranga’s Matua Bar has decided to remove all of its pokie machines, hoping to foster a more welcoming atmosphere for families and the community.Co-owners April Fletcher and Jeff Hazelwood, who took over the establishment two years ago, initially reduced the number of machines from nine to seven. Now, they’re taking the final step of removing them entirely.Fletcher expressed her dislike for pokies, believing they hurt the community. “We’re better off having more table space and fun space rather than having these machines in here,” she stated.The decision comes amid a growing awareness of the harm…

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Wellington Airport is a busy hub with around 250 flights coming and going every day. Because planes need to take off and land in the wind, and Wellington’s runway is north-south, the wind plays a big part in flight directions. Most of the time, the wind blows from the north, so planes usually arrive from the south, landing in the wind, and then take off towards the north. But when the wind changes and blows from the south, everything flips, and planes do the opposite!Due to prevailing northerly winds, 70% of arrivals into Wellington Airport come from the south, flying…

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Over the past ten years, Wellington has experienced a subtle yet significant shift in its ethnic makeup. While the European population remains the largest group in most suburbs, its dominance has slightly decreased. This change is most noticeable in the city center (CBD), where the Asian population has grown considerably, likely due to an influx of international students and skilled workers.The accompanying graph visually illustrates these trends. Each bar chart represents a suburb, with the vertical axis showing the percentage of each ethnic group in 2013 (blue) and 2023 (orange). The stacked bars make it easy to compare the proportions…

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A legal battle is brewing between the Wellington Pride Festival (WPF) and Lesbian Action for Visibility Aotearoa (Lava), a lesbian group that holds views considered anti-trans. The dispute centers on WPF’s 2021 decision to deny Lava a stall at their annual gala, citing concerns raised by the community about the group’s stance on transgender individuals.WPF board co-chair Tasmin Prichard defended the decision, emphasizing the festival’s commitment to inclusivity and equal rights for trans people. Prichard also highlighted the festival’s rigorous selection process for stalls, which prioritizes those that contribute positively to the overall experience of attendees.Lava, however, argues that the…

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If you live in Wainuiomata,  New Plymouth, Rotorua, Napier Hastings or anywhere in a cold climate and park your car outside, a frozen windscreen can be a real pain. But don’t worry, there are effective ways to tackle this icy problem without causing any damage to your car.How to Defrost a Windscreen and What Not to Do Nathan Kilah, a chemistry expert at the University of Tasmania, recommends using regular tap water as the most effective way to defrost a windscreen. The goal is to raise the temperature of the glass above freezing, and plain water does the trick. You can…

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You wouldn’t know it by looking at a map, but Wellington’s supposed retail heart is struggling. We are talking about that stretch between Lambton Quay and Courtenay Place – prime real estate, right? Yet, a staggering 46 shops stand empty. It’s a ghost town, and things could get worse.Retailers are hurting. Sales are down, profits are thin, and the future looks bleak. The pandemic didn’t help, with more people working from home and fewer government jobs in the city. It’s like the life has been sucked out of the place during the week.Ian Douglas, the owner of Village Goldsmith, has seen…

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In a land down under, where kiwis roamed and sheep outnumbered people, a retired broadcaster named Paul Henry found himself thrust back into the limelight. It wasn’t for a new show or a juicy interview but for a speech at a political gathering. This wasn’t just any political party, but the ACT party, known for its bold stances and fearless leader, David Seymour.Paul, a man not known for mincing words, delivered a scathing assessment of New Zealand’s current state. He called it “deeply in the shit,” a country adrift, squabbling amongst itself rather than seizing the opportunities before it. He…

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15-year-old Christopher Junior Holmes, known as CJ, found himself in a devastating situation when a car involved in a late-night burnout session accidentally struck him, resulting in the amputation of his leg. The incident occurred on June 16 in Foxton, New Zealand, where CJ and a group of friends were gathered at Himatangi Block Rd.In the early morning hours, CJ was filming a friend performing a burnout when the driver lost control of the vehicle. CJ attempted to move out of the way but tragically ended up in the path of the car’s towbar. The impact caused severe damage to…

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Wellington is in trouble. The data doesn’t lie. Here are the facts of the spin and reality. They are prepared by an insider with nothing to gain besides a healthier Wellington, lower rates, and a more pleasant business growth system.

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Wellington, the vibrant heart of New Zealand, is facing a silent crisis. It’s not the usual suspects like earthquakes or economic downturns, but something far more insidious: the work-from-home (WFH) trend.We remember when WFH was a novelty, a perk offered by forward-thinking companies. But now, it’s like a virus that’s infected the city. Office buildings stand empty, their lights flickering like ghosts. Cafes that once buzzed with the lunchtime rush are now echoing with silence. It’s eerie.Businesses are struggling. With fewer people in the city, foot traffic has plummeted, and profits have followed suit. I’ve seen desperate landlords slashing rents,…

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