Nick Mills, radio host at the slowly declining Newstalk ZB, is a local family man, bar owner and sports franchise champion, having won 12 previous titles with the Saints Basketball team. Against the odds becomes a talkback host and builds a loyal audience with NewsTalk ZB, which is owned by the Herald – NZME and includes 91ZM.
Although many friends of Mills say that’s not the Nick I know, we all accept this is theatre and Nick will say and take on things and topics he doesn’t agree with.
It’s time for News Talk ZB to think about Mills’ performance and whether he can carry the mantle forward.
When it comes to renewing the contract, Mills goes on holiday or is OFF AIR for some reason, they replace him with another Nick. Nick, the roading and transport CEO has run for Mayor previously. The new Nick has a trial and the original Nick sits and nervously awaits the outcome. There is a lot on the line.
Mills has done well in building Wellington’s NewstalkZB.
MSM is not a trusted source of info and is severely declining, but he is liked and is a good bloke.
In that week’s negotiation, the media, the all-powerful, untrusted 4th Estate gears up to maximise their position, and the machine gets to work.
All of a sudden as if out of nowhere, Nick’s IRD hassles are spread across STUFF, the front page and then everywhere! Apparently, Mills has a major amount owing to the IRD.
Welly wonders about the irony in the fact that NZME, which owns 91ZM, could be involved in something that may result in a lower rate or a better package being offered to radio DJ Nick Mills.
Only one can imagine that as a possibility, and how frightening that could be. Tune in for more about how Wellington Media operates.
One Network Wellington LIVE gets more reach and community feedback than MSM, Newstalk ZB and The Post combined. Power of the community!