In April 2023 the previous owner of WL Lilia Alexander joined with RNZ, the Spinoff media company, Jason Buckley – previous marketer of HELL, Nathan Singh a tourism expert and others to try and kill our business, spread misinformation, start abusive attack Facebook sites, and generally put the boot in, constantly.
The owner of Vic deals texted me saying he was going to kill our business, or “slay the dragon” as he childishly put it.
WCC and Wellington NZ also joined in, and were found to be bullies, manipulative and dishonest, with one person at WCC WNZ lying that i had assaulted her at a Saints game. This was picked up through OIA reports that we un redacted to find the abusers names, and evidenced by an apology from WCC – CEO Barbara McKerrow who said WCC comms were below their values. Further apologies from democratic services. At present Richard Levrington is blocking all my emails and staff are reaching out to us privately. With the new LGWM team leader saying she needed to check if she could talk to me, to keep her self safe. This is how rotten and abusive Anna Calver and the comms team led by Meredith Keys have become at WCC.
Lilia Alexander also apologised for being dishonest over a prolonged period.
Anna Calver, Victoria Barton Chapple and many others at WCC have black listed us, blocked our sites from commenting on WCC comms, intercepted emails, confiscated messages and tried to gag us. Anna Calver telling a local business person recently, if he gave us cash for ads to support them, she would cut their funds!
WCC have created a narrative that staff wont be safe talking to us. That is absolutely not true and extremely hurtful.
We might dig in to find the rotten egg stories and liars like Siobahn Proctor who was found to have lied about the Wellington water memo about pipes in Thorndon leading to her resignation or firing. At times I have been outspoken calling for Barbara McKerrow to go, thank heavens that has happened.
That’s what we do in our Civic team. Find the rotten eggs, time wasters and people that, through lazyness and casual theft of time, cause our rates to rise or projects to blow out in cost, making Wellington suffer.
With a full scale Ai team and a steady daily flow of information, we pick up many stories.
Through out this period I have had a death threat, my daughters have been abused, my home egged, some businesses have turned off from us, and staff have left. At one point a sales rep from NZME told a customer, I had been to jail, also not true.
It has been brutal, ruthless, narcissistic and I have had to take on security and involve lawyers and Police for stalking and abuse.
We are stayers, we are resilient and we do this to support Wellingtons communities, businesses and to support mental health. The abuse has had a massive impact on my mental health, and it continues to this day.
Absolutely brutal!
We now have a list of 17 people that we have brutalised, bullied and abused me, my team, my family, and my lawyer has given this list, with evidence to Microsoft, META, TIKTOK, Police and the Police cyber crime unit.
These people have spread mis information, published dishonest, abusive, threatening posts or communications designed to defame me, or harm our follower base and business relationships.
We have an AI tool and full time person that is set to protect our team, see the abuse in real time, to protect us, my family and our team and brands, and can see ALL attacks, posts, threads, emails and public communications as they happen. Very powerful.
It is a very effective tool and can see for example, if someone is attacking us at work. On one occasion a person was abusing us whilst employed at Treasury. The tool can unredact OIA documents, to expose the nasty public servants that abuse under the cover of public service.
These types like Barbara McKerrow WCC CEO, Anna Calver HEAD OF SOMETHING, Victoria Barton Chapple, Richard McLean COMMS LEADERS, Richard Levrington SECURITY CSAR at WCC are the worst. Ruthless, angry and relentless.
In particular councillors and managers have been warned not to talk to us or me, silly councillors like Ben McNulty’s has attacked me online, which has resulted in his approval rating being 9% and a letter from my lawyer.
Our daily reach is massive, probably as we are fun, love our city and adore communities and all that goes on that makes our city the wonderful place it is.
12 months ago, despite all the attacks, abuse and bullying we were ranked third behind NZME and Newshub. On any given day we can reach over 5m people.
We have now purchased 17 other Facebook groups and nationwide audiences, which helps us to promote Wellington to Wellingtonians and inbound travelers as well now. So we can support local businesses even better.
We would love nothing less if WCC agreed to a restart. We know and accept there are 2 or 3 that are so angry and toxic, that they will continue to abuse, and online social media can be brutal, which we accept and have prepared for.
We will not succumb to bullying, abuse threats any more. Whilst its difficult and harmful we are ready for it, sadly.
For anyone that hasent met us, or wants to talk, meet us we are a good team, well meaning and professional and supportive. We are healthy, happy and positive, resilient and ready to move on and partner.
All for Wellington,
Yours Sincerely