This story is about Reading Cinema in Courtney Place, a previously fantastic retail and cinema complex closed down for earthquake strengthening. After the Kaikoura earthquakes owned by an American family. We will ask the people of Wellington what they think of the reading story.
Having broken the story initially and being accused by counsel of spreading fake news, this turned out to be quite interesting as WCC twisted, pumped up, spun the story.
The families that own reading have significant debt and have made money out of property in New Zealand, and some say that they can’t be trusted. 90% of Wellingtonians think the mayor of Wellington having lunch with reading and exploring a deal to buy it for 36 million dollars, then lease it back and then sell it back to them in 10 years is ludicrous. Completely unfair and incredibly short-sighted for all the other cinemas in the city and the 450 other rate -paying buildings that are struggling to get up to the minimum performance criteria for engineering rights to strengthen.
You be part of the story.