In the wineries of New Zealand, our winemakers are relieved that harvest 2024 is done and dusted. With most of the grapes picked in March and April, all now know what they have in the winery, and depending on the variety we might even see some tiny early bottlings with the year 2024 on the label.
If such an early bottling happens it will most likely be NZ’s famous varietal Sauvignon Blanc going first. In recent years there has been a race to bottle, ship, and get the new vintage of ‘sav blanc’ on the shelves asap. People familiar with the official race to bottle the French have with their ‘Beaujolais Nouveau’ will possibly know that they bottle within 6-8 weeks after harvest crazy fast and leads to a wine that needs to be drunk within some 6 months of bottling.
Sometimes it felt that we in NZ were trying to do the same speed at the price of quality Most winemakers will tell you that a calm approach, taking time to let the wines ‘settle out’ naturally will lead to a product with more complexity and a bit more longevity as well.
New Zealand is extremely lucky with its zingy fresh crisp Sauvignon Blanc dominating by over 80% what we as a country send abroad: It is a wine that appeals to all age groups and all genders all over the world.
So what is this ‘beauty of the unknown’?
Since you might have to wait a bit for the new ‘early’ zippy zingy 2024 we urge you to try slightly older Sauvignon Blancs, a 2023, or go older, much older than that.
Go for slightly different ones too, brands of small boutique wineries you never tried before or Sauvignon Blancs that have had some ‘barrel work’ explore and find beauty in these innovative styles and scarcer brands.
You will be delighted!
Let us have your comments once you’ve tried the less traditional Sav. Blanc styles our correspondent suggests.
Questions? we’ll arrange for Geoff to answer them.