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Wellington’s Youngest Politician Tamatha Paul

Tamatha Paul (Wellington’s youngest politician) shares her ideas on modernising and livening up the city.

At just 24 years old, Tamatha Paul serves in the Wellington City Council and is already making a difference in our community by developing new ways of thinking and new ideas on how to get the city moving into the future.

She focuses on catering the city to its people and discusses projects such as Let’s Get Wellington Moving, the District Plan, and the Three Waters reform;

“Whether we like them or not, I think they’re all opportunities to shape the city that we want, and I think that that is entirely in our hands.”

Tamatha Paul talks about starting with the bare minimum, and criticises Wellington’s public transport system;

“I would hope for an airport flyer, I mean what major city in New Zealand and in the world doesn’t have a bus route to the airport?”

With the seeming standstill on projects designed to push Wellington into the future and the community’s faith in the city council diminishing, Tamatha’s fresh ideas for the city could not come at a better time.


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