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A Near-Death Experience: Can This Video Change Our Attitude Towards Rail Safety?

A shocking video released in Wellington highlights the dangers of ignoring railway crossing signals. The footage captures a car speeding through a level crossing and colliding with a train, emphasizing the importance of individual responsibility in preventing such incidents.

While the driver in this particular incident miraculously survived, the impact on train drivers involved in near-misses and collisions can be severe.

In the year leading up to June 30th, there were 19 collisions and a staggering 173 near misses at level crossings across New Zealand. Worryingly, 95% of collisions and 73% of near misses occurred at crossings with flashing lights and bells or barrier arms, underscoring the need for drivers to remain vigilant.

This incident serves as a stark reminder of the potential dangers around railway tracks. Trains can travel faster than they appear, and while engineers can sound the horn and apply brakes, stopping quickly is often impossible.

Sadly, over the past decade, more than 170 lives have been lost in train-related accidents across New Zealand. While specific Wellington data isn’t immediately available, the national statistics are a sobering reminder that rail safety is a critical concern for everyone.

KiwiRail and TrackSAFE are urging everyone to adopt a “Steely Stare” when approaching railway crossings – look both ways for trains, even if signals are present. By staying alert and respecting railway crossings, we can all contribute to preventing future tragedies and ensuring a safe railway network for all.

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