Wellington Live

Photo That Rocked Courtenay Place

This photo is sadly a symbol of activity in Courtenay Place taken in early April. This person attacked, was arrested charged and trespassed with assaulting a young nine-year-old child at Cuba Dupa and is banned from Cuba Street, however, she is able to come into Courtenay Place, sit there, inject herself and be able to do that in a public place.

At a recent public meeting, we saw a police sergeant say that this lady doesn’t inject herself with methamphetamine but does so with power aid. However, the bars witnessed her post the injection, stand up like a rocket and head off down the street, which indicated that there was more in the injection than power aid.

Courtenay Place retailers, bars and restaurants are struggling. Their rents are up, their costs are up, their staff costs are up and the reputation of the street has taken a big hit. What would you do if you were in Courtney Place and you saw something like this?

What would you do to help Courtenay Place? Would you go to Courtney Place in the future?


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