- From this you would think Mr. Bloxham is an evil, nasty, underhanded ruthless person. As the writer of this Ep of CANCELLED I’ve always found him to be fair, hard charging, energetic and full on for Wellington. I have interviewed with so many and I can’t find all the HATE. He has never displayed any of the things written about, or spun against him in Radio New Zealand, The Spinoff, by Lilia Alexander, Jason Buckley, Aston Christie, Nathan Singh or others. THIS IS A STORY ABOUT 7 OR 8 brutal key board warriors, who manipulate others to say and do things that are bullying, brutal, harassing and illegal.
- Bloxham is not violent, dishonest, abusive or a bullying, racist businessman. This has been said over and over for 18 months now and Mr. Bloxham has suffered massive stress as a result. This behavior is illegal and every post has been sent now to net safe, police, META and a defamation case is being prepared. NOTE: These bullies and abusers I have documented do it at work, and put their name to it! Jason Buckley appears to be the “master key board warrior manipulator”, as his name comes up with Lilia Alexander, Nathan Singh but he is largely invisible on line. In Ep 3 we will release emails forward to us about Jason from a whistleblower.
- Wellington LIVE has grown from 275k to nearly 2m followers. It is thriving and healthy.
- Bloxham is a family man with 3 daughters. He is not a bully and his whole family has been targeted, abused, harassed and the people that have done this have done so illegally and, in my opinion, they are the abusers!
- Lilia Alexander previous owner of Wellington LIVE who appears to have been sucked in to Jason Buckley’s abusive crew apologized to Graham Bloxham for lying in the Spinoff article” Lilia has also contacted “many clients to abuse, lie and give the impression that Mr. Bloxham is a certain person. Lilia may have done a very good job of building Wellington LIVE, but after selling it she did a fairly brutal job of trying to kill it. A very sad and troubled performance and I suggest that will be a sad blot of her legacy, sadly. As Mr. Bloxham always said whilst Lilia was suffering incredibly from mental health issues from trying to run this thing single handedly, she was a brilliant mind and incredibly kind and awesome young talent.