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“Charing Cross” Wonders?: Is Another World War Looming?

Wellington LIVE nonstop Book Review

“Charing Cross” is a famous well-known Wellington identity that doesn’t want to be identified and still loves to write, share, critique, and have a bit of fun. 

“I am proud of being a woman in what was very much a man’s world” Pippa tells Jude.

What an inspirational and fascinating story this is. I’m really glad a member of our book group brought it along and I took it home to read.

This is not a biography but rather Pippa’s memories of the first 25 years of her incredible life. Orphaned in Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) at the age of 8; growing up with an adopted family in the, then, Belgian Congo and Kenya until finishing school in Paris for 2 years before being sent to an extended family in England at the start of the Second World  War. Wow! What a start to the next chapter of her life.

Not very successful attendance at typing school followed by a move to Scotland and, through family connections, a job with an Admiralty administrative facility ensued. Eventually, once knowledge of her language abilities percolated around certain secret war circles, the Special Operations Executive “SOE” came calling. They were the secret organization charged with carrying the war to an enslaved Europe. And, so far as their activities concerned Pippa,  in leading up to the invasion of Europe in June of 1944, to working with the French resistance in occupied France.  Before the invasion it was necessary to gather information deemed, by the Allies’ High Command important and sometimes critically so, on German military activities. In order for this information to reach London there was a need for wireless operators on the ground in occupied Europe, to meet with resistance agents, receive the details required,  and send it on to London. Pippa became one of these wireless operators.

It was extremely dangerous work. Of the 430 SOE agents sent into occupied France, 39 were women of whom only 25 survived. Luckily Pippa was one of the survivors!

Well trained by the special forces in killing, shooting, disrupting rail and telegraphic lines, fluent in several languages, and a skilled coder, she was parachuted into enemy-controlled Normandy. Disguised as a 14-year-old slip of a girl and pedaling 100s of miles whilst selling her “grandparents” goat milk soap and chatting  to German soldiers. On her cycling trips, she observed crucial positions of their troops which she would then relay back to London. 135 secret messages were hurriedly sent from hidden transmitters: luckily she escaped detection. Always hungry, foraging for food, and sleeping rough in the cold forests she continued her mission until the fall of Paris in late 1944.

Released from her duties she explains “I simply disappeared and faded into obscurity” burying and forgetting her war experiences.” I just wanted to be anonymous” She brought up her 4 children in NZ: all unaware of her wartime involvement until the internet alerted her son. Pippa never sought recognition, she was a very private humble person. But eventually, when reassured the Official Secrets  Act was not a problem, and concerned at some of the accounts of the secret war being “poppycock” she wanted to tell her truthful story.

The Last Secret Agent is a fabulous read, a page-turner, and a true inspiration for all.

Points to Ponder with your morning cup of coffee:

General Sir Roland Walker, chief of the British Army general staff warned the other day ”Britain needs to prepare for another war within 3 years”. It’s a chilling comment but perhaps understandable in light of the Ukrainian war. But what a horrifying thought that 80 years after the finish of the last great global war, serious informed opinion is suggesting the possibility of renewed conflict. Does this comment seem farfetched to you?

How would New Zealand mothers feel about compulsory military service for all 18-year-olds? Once again New Zealand may well be called upon to share the burden of protecting our way of life. Or is this farfetched?

Let us know your thoughts.


“Charing Cross”

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