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Neale Jones

Neale Jones is the Managing Director of strategic communications and public affairs consultancy Capital GR Limited and is Hawker Britton’s Associate Director in New Zealand. Neale was Chief of Staff to former Labour Leader Jacinda Ardern, and prior to that served as Chief of Staff to Andrew Little.  Neale has previously worked as Political Director and Communications Director in the Labour Leader’s Office. In these roles, Neale has led work on political strategy and communications. He held a senior role in Labour’s successful 2017 election campaign and served on the negotiation team for Labour’s coalition talks with New Zealand First and the Greens. Neale has previously worked in senior campaign and communication roles in New Zealand and the United Kingdom in the NGO sector and the trade union movement. This gives Neale a deep knowledge of the political environment in New Zealand and valuable insight into how to engage constructively with the Hipkins Government.

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