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WHAT REALLY HAPPENED – The Real Story Behind Wellington City CEO’s Departure | One NETWORK – WL

“WHAT REALLY HAPPENED series” turns the basic MSM style and the “one-sided council articles” spun to look a certain way, debunked good and bad facts & stats added, leading to a more full and balanced read.

Barbara McKerrow’s departure as Wellington City Council CEO reveals a stark contrast between the official narrative and behind-the-scenes accounts of mismanagement and financial recklessness. 

What MSM Reported:

In a seemingly amicable departure, Wellington City Council Chief Executive Barbara McKerrow has announced she will not seek an extension to her five-year term, set to conclude in March 2025. The official statement, released by mainstream media MSM Like Scoop etc, highlights McKerrow’s “outstanding contribution” and “invaluable knowledge of local government.” Mayor Tory Whanau praised McKerrow’s “intelligent, thoughtful, and authentic leadership,” emphasizing her commitment to delivering the best outcomes for the city.

McKerrow herself cited the challenges faced during her tenure, including the COVID-19 pandemic and an ambitious investment program. She expressed her intention to ensure a smooth transition and continue focusing on effective service delivery until her departure.

What Really Happened:

Barbara McKerrow came from a previous stint running New Plymouth Council, with the previous Mayor saying publicly, “He was glad to see the back of her.” Wellington councilors spoken to were initially optimistic that McKerrow would usher in a more constrained WCC. But COVID hit, and McKerrow was locked in a role dominated by idealistic Greens backed by their party and extremely aggressive Labour candidates, Matthews, McNulty, Day, and Fitzsimmons, who told Mayor Foster, “We are in charge; you will do what you’re told.”

McKerrow has presided over the worst-ever period for Wellington. 

  • Debt interest is now $24 in every $ earned, up from $4.
  • WCC has lost nearly 700m in bad investment/spend.
  • Frank Kitts lost millions, and Town Hall 200m over budget.
  • The Library (which wasn’t tendered, it was negotiated—a shocker of a situation).
  • The sludge plant is losing 100m over budget.
  • Reading cinemas debacle Cycleways splitting communities.
  • LGWM.
  • A firing of her infrastructure manager, Siobhan Proctor, for lying to Thorndon businesses.
  • Allowed an employee to lie about a ratepayer assault.
  • Worst resource consent performance in NZ.
  • Worst rated city.
  • Allowing managers to misuse consultants’ data to justify an outcome and ram through an unpopular policy.
  • Allowed a manager to lie about pipes that needed to be fixed under cycleways, causing extensive angst.
  • Signs off the multi-million council buildings whilst the rest of the city is rotting.
  • Numerous other mistakes and missteps.
  • The worst gender imbalance hiring manager in Wellington history.
  • One manager was found to have used a consultant’s report to manipulate the 50 to 30k speed policy.
  • Allows councilors to bundle the airport up for sale.

Upon reflection, reading Barbara’s articles and the reality, it’s no wonder rates are as high as they are. With zero discipline, absolutely zero transparency, and surrounded by what others call the worst team in history, it’s a complete surprise McKerrow lasted this long.

WHAT REALLY HAPPENED episodes are created to show how local connections can deliver much richer, natural, and actual events—a new informative way of writing and presenting incidents.

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