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Wicked Wellington


Who and what is Wicked Wellington?

  • Gabe Cataldi aka bstchld is his name and shocking audiences is his game.
  • Wellington LIVE ran into Gabe when he tried to do very naughty things to our leaning man statue on the Wellington waterfront.
  • Wicked Wellington covers the most outlandish, bizzare and haunting stories through the capital.

Wicked Wellington | Bolton Street Cemetery

In the early 1960s the Bolton Street Cemetery had to move 3,700 graves to make room for the Wellington Urban Motorway. Do you think there’s any  in between these two locations on the bridge?


Wicked Wellington | St James Theatre

Gabe takes us through the haunting details about the St James Theatre. There have been claims from many people (including celebs) witnessing a  as well as paranormal activity.

Wicked Wellington | Zephyrometer

We follow Gabe to Evans Bay Parade to take a look at Wellingtons iconic Zephyrometer!

Not only is it a fascinating piece of architecture it also comes with some drama!

Wicked Wellington | Mount Victoria Tunnel

Gabe takes us out through the well known Mount Victoria ‘Tooting’ Tunnel!

Have you ever wondered why Wellingtonians toot when passing through? In this video we dig up the not so happy truth!

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