Letter to the Editor
Wellington LIVE – One Network
Dear Editor,
“Why do so many Wellingtonians complain about their council? Surely they can see the advantages to shops of taking away carparks, shutting down streets for months for room for thousands of cones, and installing cycleways along every street so that there will be at least that open and unused space to look at? Space uncluttered with those terrible hateful cars.
Surely older people must see that, even though they can hardly walk, it is only fair that they cycle in the rain and wind?! If they feel tired they could rush out and buy an electric bike or ride an electric scooter. Falling off should be of little concern if they stick to thinking of the big picture- keeping their Green Councillors happy. Surely mothers with small children should be happy to walk to the bus when taking their older children to school. What’s a few hundred meters up hills in sleet driven by 80 kph wind?
Shame on all of you who do not love what is done by your representatives. Next year you’ll get to vote and show them how you have appreciated their efforts….”