Phone : Email : Anyone can hang up on Sean – in fact I encourage it. He isn’t media. He’s fake news for the far right, there to reinforce the views of his moronic and conspiracy theory-laden listeners. I don’t like Tory or what she stands for but I also agree she did the correct thing. That said, if her proposal “to allow broadcasted calls to prayer to be played from loudspeakers” is true then she’s lost the plot. We’re not a Muslim country and although everyone has the right to worship, they don’t have the right to disrupt others and that’s exactly what these loudspeakers will do. Given about half of NZ’s population do not associate with any religion at all, Whanau is completely wrong and this should never pass. It’s the left grandstanding. If Muslims want a call to prayer, set up a mass text alert. It is 2024 after all. Simple.
Can you handle 100K+ wind gusts?