What is the solution to the Public sector cuts and the impacts on families and how can we support and not just be shocked by the numbers?
The cuts are massive for Wellington, many might need help finding work that needs addressing. Wellington LIVE has started Measure Anxiety to get Governments and Councils to measure the impacts.
Nicola Willis wants savings of 6.5 or 7.5%
David Seymour wants to cut 15,000 positions, above 6.5%.
Wellington reeling from 3000 jobs gone.
Let’s Get Wellington Moving. has resulted in $1 million of redundancy payouts affecting people. MSD has cut the plunger coffee and offered redundancies.
Let’s look at the data.
63,117 in the public service. Increased from 50,000 at the end of the last National-led government. 6.5% cuts would amount to 5,000 out of work.
How can Wellington bounce back from these numbers?
Ministry of Health
134 job cuts, April 26 a final decision will be made, roughly 25% of Ministry of Health staff.
268 of its 6,500 includes redundancies.
Ministry for Primary Industries
MPI 384 is gone, with 40% of these roles vacant.
Crown Law – legal eagles.
Looks like the government is keeping this group intact. Not many losses are being reported, and 18 roles are set to go from Crown Law.
Department of Internal Affairs, 28, from the National Library and the Māori, Strategy and Performance.
Ministry for Ethnic Communities
The net loss is 9 after rehires.
Ministry for Pacific Peoples
63 roles – or 40% of the team.
Ministry of Social Development
9,000 staff. The ministry’s boss Debbie Power said jobs would go from the national office in Wellington.
Ministry for the Environment
Laura Dixon, says staff can take voluntary redundancy.”
Ministry of Transport
24, but many of these roles are available.
Treasury said 50 jobs could go, some of which were already vacant.
90, or 13% of the NIWA’s workforce. The PSA’s national secretary, Duane Leo called the move “utter madness” and said NIWA should be investing in more jobs to tackle climate change.
Customs 34 from voluntary redundancies.
Ministry for Culture
Manatū Taonga 11, or 7% of the team.
Department of Conservation
130 involving 270 positions are gone, but 101 are currently vacant, and another 140 new roles created.
Commerce Commission
35 to 40, about 10% of the total workforce and has offered voluntary redundancies.
Callaghan Innovation
30 roles, down from 400.
Oranga Tamariki
447 jobs are gone.
The Public Service Association called the job losses “savage” and said it will hurt young New Zealanders. “Oranga Tamariki has been subject to review-after-review in recent years with significant leadership changes. No review has ever concluded that large-scale dismissals of specialist staff is the answer,” said the PSA’s Fleur Fitzsimons.
Ministry of Education
565, but were 225 already vacant, a 12% reduction in the ministry’s workforce, with 91 jobs in the regions – people doing work including supporting children with disabilities, migrant and refugee children, advising schools on accessing speech and language therapy, lifting student achievement and helping ensure schools run smoothly,” said Fitzsimons.
Stats NZ
Tertiary Education Union
Productivity Commission
20 staff were gone when the commission was dumped.
What impacts Wellington?
With high inflation, these job losses will put people under a lot more pressure which impacts many sectors such as DIY, and the already struggling Hospitality sector will take a direct hit.
WCC are talking about a 14/18% rate increase which just adds to the financial strain.
Wellington LIVE has launched a measure anxiety campaign, to highlight the impacts these job losses can have on people and families, and shine a light on people who offer support, have big hearts and want to acknowledge and support people.
Bill English and his lovely family have been beavering away